The basics
AGE: early 30's.
BIRTHDAY: 4th Sun of the 4th AM
RACE: Midlander Hyur
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: An attic, somewhere.
Unbearable. He's antagonistic, cryptic, and hysterical. It's extremely often that opening his mouth results in dagger-wielding stares, if not immediate violence. As such, he often sports cuts or bruises on his person, explained away with an airy "Oh, you know." There are times where the things he says offer some measure of situational clarity, and even some positive insight, but they're rare. Stirring the pot is just so much more amusing.
HAIR: Light dusty brown, short cut and choppy. Frames his face with some mighty sideburns.
EYES: Dark gray, not black.
HEIGHT: 5 fulms 9 ilms
BUILD: Vaguely muscular, mostly skinny.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Nothing in particular, though his eyes are awfully beady.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: The occasional stupid hat.
WEAPONS: Magitek daggers, gunblade, the heavy end of a cane, a random object on the walkways (?)PROFESSION: Ironworks concept artist.
LANGUAGES: Common tongue, (?)
FEARS: If there's anything at all, it's unclear. Maybe boredom.